Mentor Hornworm
Ditching a dreary work as usual, when I was having a smoke as usual at the usual place out of the office, I found a hornworm on the wooden bench surrounding the shrubbery beside the stand ashtray, heading for the bench’s rim slowly and slowly at incredibly low speed about 5 centimeters per minute. He is not so large, but a wonderful hornworm with a splendid horn on the butt. A man who was about to sit on the bench looked a bit surprised with him and left there in a hasty manner. With being afraid a bit if someone would sit on him without noticing, I threw …

We all usually have persons from those we’ve been affected during the character building process. Regardless whether they’re real or fictional. Often in various areas. As for me, (Lieutenant) Columbo, Tetsuo Ishidate (actor) or Mick Jagger come into mind first, but for Literature area, Osamu Dazai from Japan, Gilbert Keith Chesterton from UK and Stanislaw Lem from Poland do. The three have common characteristics, outstanding sense of humor and philosophy. Chesterton is known as one of the fathers of Detective Nobel, though he was originally a Conservative critic, had left enormous number of works mainly for literally criticism. Takeshi Kitano, a famous comedian and a film director, is one of …