” A policeman sees a drunk man searching for something under a streetlight and asks what the drunk has lost. He says he lost his keys and they both look under the streetlight together. After a few minutes the policeman asks if he is sure he lost them here, and the drunk replies, no, and that he lost them in the park. The policeman asks why he is searching here, and the drunk replies, “this is where the light is”. “
Richard Phillips Feynman and others

Time & Multi-Verse
When you die, your time stops. The situation without time is equal to the situation before the Big Bang of the universe. In other words, when you die you come back to the “pre-Big Bang”. According to Georg Cantor’s Set Theory, “infinity” has multiple kinds(cardinality), but if “nothing” is only one, it’s impossible to distinguish your death from the “pre-Big Bang”. The two is essentially the same. You die to go back to Pre-Big Bang, afterwards another Big Bang occurs, and you will be born in another universe. So called “Multi-Verse Theory” might mean reincarnation.